Summer is in full swing and so is the grounds department here at Galen Hall Golf Club. By now you may have noticed some of the projects and improvements that have been completed to date thus far:
1. Tees, Fairways, Green Surrounds, Tee Surrounds, Primary Roughs have been treated for broad leaf weeds, and annual grassy weeds (such as crabgrass). A fertilizer application was made to these areas as well. Turf quality will continue to improve season after season by incorporating these practices.
2. An approach was added on hole 15. Although this hole was obviously created to be a difficult test, in my opinion an approach adds the option for players to lay up.
3. Trees have been limbed up to allow players to more easily play out of those areas. Aesthetics is also improved, and the turf quality around them will as well.
4. Native areas have been mowed for the season, and herbicides have been applied to control weeds, and control the thickness of these areas. Properly maintained native grass areas are thin enough to allow balls to be found, and played from. These areas will continue to improve over time.
5. Numerous drainage projects have been repaired/replaced. Including work on number six, and number 8.
Obviously, there are many more small projects that add up to an improving golf course. But these are the "big ones".
We have been getting many complements on the condition of the golf course, and the grounds staff has been working hard to provide the best course that we can every day. We are all proud of the work we do and are excited to see the course continuing to improve.
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